Pieper Mobile Advantage
Take your bar prep with you, wherever you go.
There’s a good chance the bar exam will be the most important test of your life. Nothing about it is easy, and that includes the preparation. Ideally, you should spend around 500 hours studying for the bar, split between learning the material and completing practice questions and essays.
You’ll need some help along the way—which is where we come in.
With Pieper Mobile Advantage, you can study anywhere.
Pieper's Mobile Advantage gives you access to more than 800 actual, prior bar exam questions licensed from the National Conference of Bar Examiners including OPE 1-4, the NCBE Study Aid, and the Complete Practice Exam released in December 2021.
That’s every actual question released by the bar examiners in the last 25 years, plus 1,100 simulated questions to help you sharpen your skills. It’s available to all students who register for a bar review course with Pieper.

With Pieper Mobile Advantage you can:
- Study detailed answer explanations so you can improve your understanding of the law as you practice.
- Create your own practice exams, focusing on particular topics and subtopics where you need additional practice.
- Focus on questions you haven’t completed, or revisit questions you’ve answered incorrectly in the past.
- Track your progress and review your results from every day you study and download a report to review the explanations of questions you answered incorrectly.
- And more!

Measure your performance
Pieper Mobile Advantage was designed to allow you to track your progress on each topic and subtopic, so you can prioritize areas for improvement. In addition, you can compare your results to those of other app users and even monitor graphs that show how your performance improves, or declines, as you spend more time on questions.

Memorize tricky concepts
With the sheer amount of material you’re asked to know for the bar exam—as an expert—every trick helps. With Pieper Mobile Advantage, you’ll have access to flashcards of mnemonic devices that students in Pieper’s Bar Review Courses use to help memorize key concepts. You can also create your own flashcards. TACO, anyone?